Sunday, November 30, 2008

Memories that Make a Difference

Oh my good goodness.."time flys when you're having none!" as in I have NO time of late. Since the notorious "dry hurricane," (official weather term) of 9/14/08, I have been on the 40/20 schedule. 40 hours at the paid job, and 20 on the home front.

The space between (sorry DMB) has been filled with a great Tallmadge Football season that carried us on to the regional and at which point we were upset by the Knights of Archbishop Hoban...bladda blah! enough said (-: Steve has now transitioned directly into basketball and @ 225.oo worth of team shoes! And I wonder why Wally-Mart is a Mom's best friend for her own wardrobe needs. Alas, this too shall pass, and I shall be sad when my big ol' fella isn't out there suited up for my Friday night dates with Dad. (I do fear Mac-Daddy will burst with pride one day while watching Big Dog work it on field or court accordingly!)

Sister Jenn is no less busy. All things UA agree with her. She has had such an awesome spiritual growth due to her involvement with Campus Focus that is underwritten by The Chapel at Akron. A few weeks back she did a small group mission trip to Zanesville to help paint for the elderly. Over break the entire campus focus will be heading way south (West Palm Beach FL) for LA'08 (latitude adjustment) for some follow-up post Katrina mission work. One need not ask how this middle-age Mother of all hormones is coping with the launching of my precious firstborn. I smile and hug and pray for her safety and then, when the song is right or the "happy" hormones take flight, very much in private the tears come, or as bratty-boy-brother likes to say..."duck and cover incoming hormones!" Twenty Novembers ago, early and eager to find out what the "at home" test had to say and not even knowing (but God above did) whom our baby would be, I prayed over that positive result and surrendered her life back to the Lord. A dedication that would be affirmed a mere two months into Jenn's life.

During a routine check up at 8 weeks, one of the group of Dr's we were with very casually presents me with a piece of yellow paper that came to him via The Christ Hospital. With zero to no emotion and/or empathy he informs me that the post-partum first diaper check of 6lb 5 oz baby Jennifer had an elevated protein content which could be indicative of Cystic Fibrosis. (even now it crushes my heart at the thought) And then he goes right back to chatting this and that and how they need to test her at Children's hospital and call....of course I just needed to take my little dumpling and run out of there asap. I managed a quivering smile and drove the 2 miles back home.

Just across Anderson Twp., a joyous event had brought Grannie Shook to stay with my sister and her new Baby , cousin Catherine @ 6-8 weeks younger than Jenn. I called over and Aunt Amy asked about Jenn's appointment.."ok I replied, can I talk to Mom? and then the child-like emotional collapse, (think not crying until you see Mom after you would get hurt) began. Always the positive thinker, Grannie tried to eschew my fears, but to no avail I had just retired from 8 years in the medical field and understood exactly what the potential was for Jenn's future if in fact the result was positive for CF.

The test was to be done on 9/28/89. I know and remember the date always as it is the wedding anniversary of a friend I've known since 3rd grade and Jenn wore the little yellow play suit that Debbie gave her to her test that morning. The observable miracle took place the Sunday night prior to her test. Rob and I were attending Mt Carmel Baptist Church in Kenwood OH at the time. We had gone to evening services to see our nephew Brad in a performance. Rob's Mom (Nana) was the cog in the wheel that kept the entire pre-school dept. running smoothly. She also enjoyed having her own grand baby young-uns around her in the nursery as an added bonus. Following the close of the service, Nana brought infant baby Jenn out into the sanctuary and right there, center of the aisle, Brother Joe Crumpler, huddled us around and cradled her perfect little round head in is God blessed hands and prayed a simple and yet so VERY profound prayer over her and her health and God's will to be done, and off we went. Which, is also what I must do for now....chapter two of Memories that Make a Difference will be posted asap.

Blessings one and all, ~B~

1 comment:

The Riggs Family said...

Love the series you've started...can't wait to read about more of your memories. :-) Great seeing you this weekend. See you at Christmas.